The economy & people lack participation.
Billionaires want people to get back to work. Employees aren't so sure. — Bloomberg
This was an article I wrote on Linkedin — March 26, 2020 — after reading the Bloomberg article above.
Neither side is actually wrong there’s just not enough participation, and it is indeed a choice of two evils. However, there is a balanced way to do this but when has humanity harmonized on decisions? No one is prepared or was ever prepared for this, even after Sars and the 1918 shit storm, nothing has been put in place for these disastrous variables.
We, unfortunately, do not live in a sensitive time, both in societal achievements and human achievements, with a lot of achievements comes more management challenges.
The economy is as sensitive as the people, I’m not necessarily comparing people to the economy, I am comparing function, and the intrinsic relationship between people and the economy.
I am also not taking sides…Our societies are built on a flawed structure, in order to live and eat we have to exchange that with some kind of payment, and this is a very long chain that leads from the smallest point to the largest, or in some cases, the largest down to the smallest point, interrupt that and it all falls apart.
One cannot function effectively without the other.
The human response is empathy and compassion, we try to save the actual species biologically, the analytical response is without an economy, people won’t live or live properly, and will still be sick anyway, and die. We enter a downward spiral of total chaos — survival.
This entire experience is like a badly written sitcom and here’s why, no unified participation, no perception of integrated living. What I mean by this is simple. If everyone responses appropriately to the public health guidelines, — This would have been ideal since the first day the news of Covid-19 was broadcasted — then we would have what is called a control:
“A biology investigation usually starts with an observation — that is, something that catches the biologist’s attention. For instance, a cancer biologist might notice that a certain kind of cancer can’t be treated with chemotherapy and wonder why this is the case. A marine ecologist, seeing that the coral reefs of her field sites are bleaching — turning white — might set out to understand why.”
In science experiments or any experiment, you need the following — a Control component, Constants, and variables, then the observation and identifying process can begin. Testing, identifying the most impactful points, and solutions to those points would then ripple into effect.
“At the core of biology and other sciences lies a problem-solving approach called the scientific method. The scientific method has five basic steps, plus one feedback step:
- Make an observation.
- Ask a question.
- Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
- Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
- Test the prediction.
- Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.”
While this is going on, essential people would be going to work on shifts to keep the economy going, along with side remote workers. The economy will still suffer a bit, but it won’t vanish, and then after we get through this nightmare, we start rebuilding on a stable foundation.
However, we can judge billionaires, and economists, and people all we want, everyone is scared shitless, and they all want the same result…we just for some reason cannot work together. If this is not taken under control soon, the military will be the next step and then others will be the follow-up step before you know it the divide begins, and we will still end up in a downward spiral of chaos.
If we require force to participate then it means that force will induce an equal response, and that will be the start of our new brave world on fire.