Happiness in personal life often brings fulfilment in the professional life. It is always a great idea to define a vison of what you desire your personal life to be, the type o flife you iwsh to live. Convince the subconious of this is important, it will aid in beneficial decisons made. Ultimaltey it dictates what kind if work you do, what knd of professioanl decisons you make. Withotu a persoan life goal, we are merelty existing, we ar enot experincing the viceral naur eof life, our life - I am in you and you are in me - Life is a collective, a partipated experience, but we must not seek fullfilment in others and things, we must all seek it in within ourselves. If we think highly of ourselves, then we are all granted a privilege, the privllege to engage with each other and experience life together.