“Start each day as a beginner”
“Start each day as a beginner” I am not sure I have the wording correct, it was a long time ago that I saw them shared on Twitter by Tham Khai Meng, words that stuck with me on the philosophy of constant learning.
Learning is never-ending whether we want to like it or not, the stoics believe change is problematic for us, humans, because we struggle with letting go, change induces pain because we are holding on and hoping it won’t happen. I suppose that depends on the context of the change, I imagine a good experience ending feels like an absolute tragedy. However, if we engage in learning as a purpose, a choice we make never to stop acquiring knowledge, I believe letting go becomes easier. The thing is, if we are only gaining more information but doing nothing with it then it is just as useless as not having it in th first place, and I suppose this is where letting go becomes so tedious.
We must have a purpose for our lives so that we can have direction and this becomes a nucleus for everything that follows, including how and what we learn, or at least, what we choose to use.
We must begin each day with insight, and be open to the change in professional and personal experiences, we must not look at each day as time lost but as a new opportunity to try again, another chance to keep going, a new day not a repeated one. Time as far as we know, only goes in one direction, at least that is what we currently experience, so each day cannot be the same day, the earth rotates for 24 hours in a forward motion.
“How much can I accomplish today?” is a great question, set objectives and complete them, I would advise not to overwhelm yourself with a lot, and large goals that need more time. Instead, set small ones that achieve the large ones. If you focus on too many things you get nothing done, the brain does not work that way. What you do with your time is way more important than how much time you have lost, that’s a reality that you cannot change, accept it, and move forward.
When I am not working I read, I write, or find other ways to use my time that benefits me, even if it means taking a moment to relax. I have no idea what will happen next, I don’t know if my writing will lead to something new and amazing, or if I read I will somehow gain superpowers with the new knowledge… I don’t know, but I find it valuable. Many years ago, I did not see myself reading as much as I do now, but evidently I not only read but seek out books, and sources of information whether for free or to purchase, because I want more, and I want more to use, to test, to fail, to grow and succeed. Start each day with insight…
A creatively restless individual is curious, a problem that grabs attention is difficult to ignore, “…when you discover something like that, it’s like discovering a tooth with a missing filling. You have to probe it, find ways to work around it, push on it, think about it, not because it’s enjoyable but because it is on your mind and it won’t get off your mind.” — Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Creativity is induced by the unwavering will to interrogate things, and when you go down that road, godspeed, because now you are obsessed. Critical thinking is important or you can waste a lot of time about nothing important, or can discover something so important that not figuring out the solution will plague you until you die.
“Rome was not built in a day”… So, we experience a sort of death at the end of each day and a rebirth at the beginning of a new one. Start each day with insight, start each day by taking time to read something, and begin the day with the premise that you are going to do something interesting, whether it be a conversation, a project, or a trip. Likewise, end each day in peace, and expel any stresses that happened that day before you sleep, tomorrow is another day.
I exist by six rules or principles:
Discipline In everything that I do.
Patience for the results.
Kindness for myself and others.
Acceptance is healing.
Forgiveness is power.
Letting go is living.
This all leads to mindfulness and gratitude because our greatness is the dynamic and direct opposite of our suffering. How much and how long can you endure?
“Start each day as a beginner”