What’s in a logo?
When people ask me to explain brand development, I usually respond with a question and possibly a metaphor of sorts, “Do you think you would be who you are today if you didn’t have your name?”
Most likely the name of a person is the first piece of information we have about them. The first point of contact is what to call another person, this is what we are told to address them by and often, a name is all we have for a while. We then make assumptions or form judgments about them quickly and those assumptions accumulate. So the first piece of information, a name, is paramount. First impressions can set the stage for future and much larger interactions. A name can direct you in a positive or a negative direction.
For anyone unfamiliar with branding or its development, the best way to understand or observe it is to imagine yourself without a name. Philosophically speaking, everything we are now, started as a branding process the moment our name was given to us.
One of the guest articles I wrote for The Logo Creative — Read more here…
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